Hello Kwethluk

Kwethluk Joint Group (Organized Village of Kwethluk IRA Council, City of Kwethluk, Alaska city council, and Kwethluk Incorporated Board of Directors) wish to announce openings for 2 individuals from the community to be a part of the joint group planning committee: intention is to provide for the community of Kwethluk, plans for the growth of the community, housing, and many more including infrastructure development, and emergency disaster responses…

It was decided to have two members from each council/board: 2 from OVK, 2 from City of Kwethluk, and 2 from Kwethluk Incorporated, adding the 2 members from the community as representatives for Kwethluk both uptown and downtown to make plans for the community of Kwethluk.

If you, or someone you know is interested in serving the Community of Kwethluk, Alaska feel free to self-nominate for specifically “Joint Group Council Planning Committee” at any one of the three locations: City of Kwethluk, Alaska; Organized Village of Kwethluk; and Kwethluk Incorporated. Your service will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you