Sanitation Department is looking to fill position for Sanitation Technician:
Sanitation Technician: Supervised by Utility Manager, City Manager, and Kwethluk City Council
Salary at $15.00 Per Hour
Duties and Responsibilities:
Maintain Water services for the community daily; Conduct water and sewer disconnect/reconnect service to customers; Follow maintenance procedures for E-One boxes; Keep water facilities as clean as possible; Maintain adequate records of annual inspections of customer homes in regard to E-One boxes; Report to customer maintenance reports from the office; maintain records of Activities related to the filed of water services in the community of Kwethluk, Alaska.
Specific Duties; Responsibilities; and Qualifications:
Have a highschool diploma; Must be willing to do the required work as mentioned above; have a general knowledge of equipment available; must be willing to work 6 hours per day; must not have any physical disabilities.
If you are interested in this position pick-up and fill out an application at the City of Kwethluk Alaska office, and turn into the Sanitation Department.