Hello Everyone
City of Kwethluk, Alaska will be hosting a fiddle dance fundraiser on the 21st and the 22nd of June 2024. There will be Miggs Band playing at the venue, or Kusko 2 band, I’m not certain which band will be playing… I got 2 different answers, or they could both be playing. Come and take a look see and shuffle the rugs at 21st and 22nd of June 2024. Pass the word along Friends, relatives, in-laws, and any stranger on the street Kwethluk is hosting a fiddle dance on the 21st and the 22nd of June 2024.
For anyone wishing to provide meals, or plates of food, can do so by letting the fundraiser officials know your intent to sell plates of food. Excellent time to get a little extra funds for yourself.
Have fun, and enjoy.
There will be another fiddle dance fundraiser event in Kwethluk in July, so be on the lookout for that information.
The event was a success, I do apologize for the cancelled carnival, I was hoping to meander and buy some holiday food for the 4th July event. But there is always the following year. Enjoy the rest of your year.